How to use keyboard shortcuts Follow
You can use keyboard shortcuts when creating a workout. Below, you will find a list of shortcuts for Windows. If you are on Mac, replace "CTRL" with "CMD" on your keyboard.
Ctrl + z | Undo |
Ctrl + y | Redo |
Spacebar | Play/Pause |
Ctrl + c | Copy the selected interval or the interval under the timeline cursor |
Ctrl + v | Paste an interval after the selected interval or to the next possible position to the right of the timeline cursor |
Ctrl + x | Cut the selected interval or the interval under the timeline cursor to paste it somewhere else |
Del | Delete the selected interval or the interval under the timeline cursor |
1-7 | Add a new interval with the corresponding intensity |
8 | Add a Recovery interval |
9 | Add a Cooldown interval |
S | Split interval at the current position of the timeline cursor |
M | Merge selected intervals (settings of the first selected one will be used) |
Up / Down | Increase/decrease the intensity of the selected interval or the interval under the timeline cursor |
Left / Right | Jump with the cursor to the previous or next interval |
Shift + Left/Right | Add the previous or the next interval to the current selection |
Shift + click on interval | Selects all intervals between the currently selected interval and the newly selected one. |
Ctrl + click on interval | Adds the interval you click to the selection |
Tab | Cycle through input fields of a selected interval |
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Scrolling | Zoom in/out on the timeline |
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