Important update for mp3 users (10.11.2021) Follow
If you are an instructor using our mp3 integration via Dropbox, you might have experienced your music and workout profile becoming out of sync when you run a workout. This help article explains why this happens and how to fix it.
First of all, we have found that our software doesn't cause the issue. Instead, the imported music (often from a mix made in MixMeister) becomes "broken/corrupted" when converted into mp3 files. When the file is corrupted, the length of the playlist differs from the actual length when re-analysing the file. Below is an example of a file made in MixMeister and saved as an mp3. As you can see, the "length in mp3 header" is 50:00 minutes, but the actual length when re-analysing the mp3 is 50:02 minutes.
The issue arises when you design your workout in the Session Designer, and the software understands the mp3 file to be (in this case) 50:00 minutes long when it's actually 50:02 minutes long. When you hit play on your workout, there'll be a 2-second discrepancy between the music and the workout profile, and depending on how corrupted the file is, the discrepancy might be even bigger. The worst time discrepancy we have seen in a corrupted file when investigating this issue has been 16 seconds.
How to fix it
With the update made on November 10th 2021 (from version 6.4.3) the app now recalculates the length of the mp3 file instead of just trusting the information given within the file itself. This has fixed the issue for all workouts created after the update.
To fix the issue for workouts made prior to this release, the workout must be reloaded into the Session Designer, so we can reanalyse the mix, allowing you to edit the intervals to match the correct length.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
1. Open the workout in "edit" and remove the attached playlist to the workout.
2. Click "import music" and import the same playlist again. This will allow the software to reanalyse the file and recalculate the length.
3. Listen to your transitions between intervals to see if they need to be edited to match the updated music.
4. Save and enjoy your workout!
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