How to read and understand the visuals Follow
The Team Player generates a visual representation of the workout ahead at the top of the display and features all connected participants and their performance on the main section of the screen. Get familiar with The Team Player and its visuals below.
This video will show you how to understand and read the Team Player visuals.
The Team Player has 2 levels of information:
- Workout information
- Participant information.
1. The workout information
The workout graphics provide the following details:
a) Current interval:
Time left, position (seated/standing), intensity, and RPM.
b) Segment overview and progress:
Color blocks reference the intensity of the upcoming intervals and already completed segments of the workout are greyed out. Symbols and markers give further information on how specific intervals should be performed. Get to know our symbols and how we use them here.
c) Time left
"Segment time" displays the time left before the next recovery and "total time" displays the time left before the workout is done.
2. The participant information
Each circle indicates a participant connected to the ride and showcases the following information:
a) A color that indicates the intensity the participant is currently working at. The circle fills up with color according to how hard the participant is working. If the circle is almost empty of color the participant is working at the lower end of the color zone. If the circle is almost full the participant is working at the higher end of the zone interval. Zone 6 is marked by fire and zone 7 by our owl icon.
b) RPM will be visible if the participant has connected to a bike with open-source Bluetooth technology. The RPM is always displayed in the lower part of the circle.
c) Combined with the colors the actual performance in %HR max or %FTP can be shown in the upper part of the circle depending on the set training parameter. If RPE is the set training parameter, this spot will be empty and intensity will only be referenced in terms of color (see "a").
d) The participant's name or alias will be shown under each circle.
The circles change size depending on the number of participants joining the workout. The Team Player technology doesn't have a limit as such but due to screen-size limitations, we have set the limit to 200 participants. It's possible to move the circles around if needed to make sure all participants can see their own performance on the group display, and you can adjust and remove participants during the ride.
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