How to use the PERFORMANCE PLAYER Follow
The Performance Player will display a group of up to 24 riders and offers an in-depth breakdown of each participants efforts. Each rider is represented by a dynamic pillar. which updates in real time, changing in colour and height to indicate wheather they´re hitting their target.
Step 1: "Names or Numbers"
In the settings you will find the option to display "names" or "numbers". "Names" will show the users added name in the software. Numbers will mean that the system provides a random number to each user. The user will see the specific number on their mobile device.
Step 2: Select metrics
After you pick your workout you will see the the option to customes the training focus for your ride. The Performance Player allows you to select one main metric, which is prominently displayed above each rider´s pillar as the primary target, and up to four additional metrics listed below it. RPM is always shown bringing the total of additional possible metrics to five:
Primary Training Parameter:
Secondary Training Parameters
Step 3: "Pre-start screen"
Next step is the "pre-start screen". In the upper-right corner of the screen, you will find this workout's "Ticket to Ride", which participants use to connect to your workout using the Intelligent Cycling mobile app. After connecting to the ride, participants must connect to a Bluetooth device to track their performance. Below is the "pre-start screen" as seen on the main screen as well as the Ticket to Ride menu on mobile.
Step 4: Start the workout
When you start the workout, all connected riders (24 max) will be displayed on the Performance Player and stay in sync with your workout via the app. If you can't find a participant on the group display perhaps they haven't successfully connected to your ride using Ticket to Ride, or perhaps they didn't connect to their Bluetooth device. If they need to reconnect, the Ticket to Ride code is visible in the lower-right corner of the screen during the entire workout.
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